Melanie W -NJ
October 2022 I have ridden horses my entire life. I have been fortunate enough to represent the United States at the Pan-American, Olympic and World Equestrian Games. I grew up on a cattle ranch in west Texas surrounded by some of the greatest Horsemen in the world. I consider both Kenny and Taryn members of that elite group. I have sent some of the most difficult young horses to them and their dedication to educating through the eyes of the horse allows the riders to show the movement, not the effort behind it. I can’t thank them enough for what they have taught me and my staff as we continue with our equestrian careers.
- Will Faudree
June 2022 Kenny came to me and what I imagined was going to be a very lengthy training session for manners took very little time. He got my horses trust in a matter of minutes and taught her the difference in her space, my space, patience, and when it's ok to be in my space. My horse is 7 and was only broken to halter and lead and had no manners. Thank you Kenny. I highly recommend his training methods and him.
- Coral Krysztofik
April 2018
Dear Kenny and Taryn,
Thank you so much for a fun weekend of trail riding and food.
The campfire cooking was delicious. I am always surprised at all the different dishes Kenny can make on his huge wood fired grill. We were never hungry.
The trails were beautiful, with some great views from the top of the hills and cool trails by the creek.
It was nice to catch up with some folks and make some new friends. A good time was had by all. I would recommend it to anyone. Thank you.
- Yours, Lynda Jefferson, PS: Nice pool, "Cowboy Cookout & Trail Weekend" June 2017
I completed Kenny Harlow's Apprenticeship in 2005, and certification in 2007. I've been training horses and riders full time, successfully, ever since. While other trainers have no work, I am busy. Kenny's certification program is the best concentrated horsemanship program in the country, if not the world. He will put you on the best road to success. Not the easiest, but the best. Everything I am as a trainer started with Kenny. I still hear his words in my head..."patience is the most important tool you take to the round pen...
David Yauch, Practical Equine Training, Kenny Harlow Certified Trainer, October 2016
"I have an 8 year old Friesian-Paint cross gelding, Quintin, who is beginning his career in dressage. He had a tendency to be worried and distracted in new situations, often leading to defiant behavior or a spook. Every time we asked for a canter, Quintin would buck and a few times rear. I knew if anyone could help us to work through this, it would be Kenny. When I approached them with our issues, I was confidently told that there was a hole somewhere and they would find it. Quintin was with Kenny for three weeks and in that short period of time, he came back a much better horse. When we first returned home he wanted to fall back into old habits, but Kenny told us exactly what to do in those moments. With his guidance, we worked through it and are riding a much happier horse. He now picks up the canter both on trail and in the arena with no bucking. Best of all we have a relaxed, happy horse that we can take anywhere, confident that we have the tools to move forward. Thank you, Kenny and Taryn for all you do helping horses and riders overcome their obstacles."
- Susan Kuhn, April 2016
Mr. Harlow and Co.
I purchased a complete bridle set at the Harrisburg Expo in early March. I had been looking everywhere for a comfortable bridle, big enough to fit a retired Pa Amish cart horse (also called Jug Heads as I have since learned) that I hoped to retrain to do trail rides. My thought was, this horse has worked hard for 25 yrs -albeit- for a knowledgeable horseman driving him as a business partner. I wanted to be sure he's comfortable before I ask him to do his next career as a trail horse. He\'s an all business, get the job done kind of horse, but comfort is obviously my end of the contract. He ensured me of that.
Anyway, I just wanted to say, the bridle is perfect in every way. It fits perfectly, the oiled leather is soft and the bit is very comfortable, his mouth is so quiet. When I hand walked him with it to watch his reaction, it was like he had no tack on at all.
We have done two trail rides so far, the first requiring a lot of stops and turns, since he wanted to 'trot to market' I think. Today\'s ride was very quiet and he is so comfortable and playful ( like a toddler in the bathtub- in the creek, splashing and playing - hilarious) I am so grateful to you for designing such a great product and helping me to give an old horse a few more years of comfort and feeling useful
-Sincerely, Gina M. From PA, March 2015
Kenny/Taryn - Just thought I'd drop you a line to wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and to let you know some great news about me and Indy. We finally did it! This past weekend, I went up to my first Ranch Horse Show in PA (AQHA and Ranch Horse rules). I've been working so hard on circles, transitions, spins and flying lead changes since my LOL class. I wanted to try "prime time" to see what we could do and to see what we need to work on. The only reason I went was to gauge our progress. I had absolutely no expectations other than to do the best we could. I was testing myself and Indy. I really didn't pay too much attention to the judges or the other riders.
Well, Indy and I got a third place in Ranch Boxing and Reining! Although it wasn't pretty at times (still working on smoother spins), we did not go off-course in our first-ever reining pattern and we didn't lose our cow in the Boxing portion. I don't know what our score was, but it was good enough for Third place. Our transitions and flying lead changes in our circle work were flawless and our rollbacks and stops were very straight and sharp. Indy was on his game until I asked him to do 4 1/2 spins on both sides. We've only been doing 2 in practice, so he was a little sloppy and a little hesitant with the extra spins. But, he did them, I didn't lose count and we were facing the right way when we completed them. I was so happy with our ride that I didn't even pay any attention to our placing. I was blown away when I found out we placed Third! I only saw one rider ahead of me ride, so I hadn't seen anyone else to compare my ride to.
That class was the highlight of the day for me, but we also got our "first-ever" Blue ribbon in Ranch Horse Halter; a Red ribbon in Ranch Horse Showmanship with pattern (judge told me that I would have won it if Indy had squared up on cue in front of him. Indy doesn't know how to do that, so we have something else to work on this winter). We received another Third place in the Ranch Pleasure Rail class (his upward/downward transitions were great) and Fifth place in Ranch Horse Trail. Indy was done by the end of a long day. He didn't do his best work in the trail class, but he did do all the obstacles.
After dealing with my injury, riding fear issues and getting to know a new horse, I am just so happy and proud of both of us. We have worked so hard. Indy has given me back my self-confidence and has helped me improve as a rider. We still have further to go, but now I'm not scared to death every time I climb into the saddle. I know we will still have good days and bad days, but I also know that my partner Indy will take care of me no matter what I ask him to do. I keep pinching myself, because last year at this time, I wasn't even loping yet (did that for the first time in two years at your place when I brought Indy to you to be evaluated!) much less doing circle patterns, roll-backs, spins and flying lead changes!
Thank you both for your encouragement and friendship. Kenny thanks so much for teaching me to believe in myself again, and to trust my horse. You definitely got through to this student! What a difference those two things have made to me as a rider. Indy thanks you too!
I hope to see you again soon. Until then, stay safe and warm and enjoy the holidays!
-V/R Linda Card, December 2014
Hi Kenny, I just wanted to let you know how much watching you work with trailer loading the 3 horses at Greenbriar Farm and our discussions helped me. I am the woman whose in-laws live at the farm and who has the coming 5 year old young horse. Yesterday, all 3 mares here at home were wild, running and acting crazy. They are all turned out seperately. I planned on riding my youngster. I could barely get her out of the paddock as she was bucking, kicking, rearing, leaping, etc. Once in her stall she was whirling around and screaming. I let her settle and took it one step at a time. I tacked her up and led her up the hill to my arena using the "head down" on the way up. I then did the leading groundwork that you taught us including the head down. I was able get all of that accomplished and get her really focused on me. I then put her on the longe line for some walk/trot with transitions. She remained focused on me. I "cowgirled up" and actually got on her and rode for 15-20 minutes. She remained focused and calm and returned to the barn without an issue even though the little Amish neighbor girls were going up and down the road with their pony and cart. I guess my point is, that I don't know if I could have sucked it up, gotten on and had a safe ride without the knowledge I gained from your visit. I was fearful but smart about it. I kept remembering your demeanor and how quiet and nonchalant you remained no matter what the horses did and tried to be the same no matter what "Queenie" did. This was a huge help too me. Thank you also for letting me know that it is OK to be afraid. Somehow accepting that is is OK makes the fear less.
- Thanks Again, Denise Rugen, March 2012
Many, many Thanks for hosting me and Truman at the farm this past weekend - we had a wonderful time, and it was especially nice to spend time with you just chillin' and chatting :) Kenny, your farm is BEAUTIFUL and im so impressed with your creative talents. WOW!. The though and care you put into everything shines in the details of all of your home creations - the John Deere room, the closet room, the Volkswagon (done in such detail that the extention seem doesn't even even show), the millhouse, the kitchen ( I still am amazed you did that in 3 days!), the horse training facilities, and so much more. I was impressed, too, that you put mirrors up in your indoor arena at Jose's suggestion - that was a very nice touch as well, and really does help riders from a training perspective.Kris has been saying for sometime now how much she enjoys spending time at your farm, and having experienced the peacefullness and serenity of it myself I can certainly see why Kris feels that way - you've created a haven for horses and horse training that really opens the doors to "Training with Trust!"Thank you SO much again for allowing me the opportunity to share a moment of your life and home - I truly had a fantastic time. PS: Jeremy says "HI!"
- Kc and Truman, October 2011
I have been wanting to write you a letter for sometime, but not until now did i know what to say. First of all, thank you.Thank you for your loving, caring giudance of Sam during her Apprenticeship with you. You took an emotionally crushed girl, and gave her the courage to handle an animal that she knew was dangerous. Samantha witnessed her cherished horse, chase off coyotes, mountain lions and dogs. Samantha witnessed countless lead ropes and halters fall prey to this animal.No one but Sam would even go into her pasture, she was defenitely the kind of horse only a mother could love! Samantha had nursed this starving, ill tempered horse back to health for almost 2 years, to only end up with an independant, stubborn, dangerous investment. Through God's guidance and grace, Sam was led to your farm, and under your supervision for an amazing 3 weeks. Samantha came home with courage and a new direction for her life.She was now confident that she wanted to work with horses, and somehow find a way to tarin other horses. From your supervision, she was hired and assistant with a local trainer, where he built up her confidence. She has been working with no less than 16 horses a day, and has loved all of the hard work. Now, for the unbelievable part... this is how i know how you have been part of a much bigger picture. This is not the first time that God has intervened in Samantha;s life. Four weeks ago, my uncle in Louden County, VA called me about an article he has just read about Marina Genn from the American Acedemy of Equestrian Sciences. He said that Samantha should contact this woman. But Samantha had just started working for Kelly, this farm was 5+ hours away, and their seemed little point for Samantha to contact her. But i told my uncle we would, so instead i wrote a letter to Marina and asked her what advice she had to give to Sam in regards to her chose profession, and I sent her Samantha's resume. Three weeks later, Marina called our house and asked if we would drive up to Louden County so she could meet Samantha.We drove up there yesterday. To get to the point, Samantha has been given a 2 bedroom apartment, board for her horse and a job as a student trainer, Marina is taking her on as her protege' and training her to someday be able to not only train horses and students, but to be able to run her facility someday too. Than you Kenny for what you did for Samantha and Sweet Pea, thank you for your willingness and desire to share you experience. I hope someday our paths will all cross again, you and your program marked a turning point in Samanth's life, which starts the chapter on a lifetime career. God is blessing Samantha and he chose you as part of it. God bless you and everyone who participated in Samantha's three wonderful weeks at Cedar Run Ranch.
-Trish, September 2011
"I was fortunate to see two of your demos at the PA Horse Expo this weekend. The first was Friday afternoon when you worked with the gray horse in the round pen. I've never had any round pen experience and am now looking forward to working with Pyro, who is just over 3 1/2 years old. My husband and I also saw your session Sunday afternoon with Tigger. That was most informative, for me, too. I especially appreciated your tips on getting the horse to back up. I liked the respect you obviously have for the horse and the way you interact and treat them. Watching your interactions with your students was also a clue into your personality. If I win the lottery or find a rich long lost relative, one of my first calls will be to reserve time at your ranch. Thanks so much for participating in the expo. It is a wonderful opportunity for the casual rider like me to learn. I'll be checking your schedule and watching for other local appearances."
- Lynn Witmer, February 2006 Pennsylvania Horse World Expo
"I just wanted to send you a note to thank you so so so much for working with Tyler this weekend at the Expo. I can't even tell you how thrilled I was when he walked right in the trailer yesterday with no hesitation and then backed out beautifully when we got home. That is the 1st time he has ever backed out of my trailer since I bought him. I am sorry that he bruised your arm. I felt so bad about that when you talked about it. I knew he was somewhat pushy but never had seen that extreme. I would strongly push his head away on the occasions when he did that to me but I was afraid I would make him headshy so it seems I wasn't aggresive enough with him. He did seem to be getting better, until this weekend, when I saw how bad he really could be when the pressure was put on him. So again I apologize that that happened. I know you probably hear this from almost all horse owners but Tyler really has a lot of good qualities. He is a great trail horse, very brave and easy to handle under saddle. He is beautifully, naturally gaited with no heavy shoes or special devices. He will be a great show racking horse. He is friendly and curious and has never tried to kick or bite or rear. I know you're saying, Yes, but he is a bully. And you're right. I really see that now. But I wanted you to know these other things so that you would know that I intend to see this horse through what ever I need to do to improve his manners. He is worth it. And your work with him set the stage for me to follow up and make him the horse I know is inside there somewhere. You have helped him (and me) tremendously and again you have my deepest gratitude." - Louise Semancik, January 2006 Maryland Horse World Expo
"Let me start out by saying a big "THANK YOU!!!" As you know I came to your 3 day riding clinic scared to death. When you told us Monday morning to saddle-up our horses I wanted to just die. My mare and I have had numerous battles and I just knew we were headed to another. I did get on my horse, but was, literally, shaking in my boots. By the end of the morning session I was not so nervous. You took the time to ride my horse, to show me what I was doing wrong and how I should correct my hands. It worked! Monday afternoon, my mare just would not stand still while mounting. You took the time to show me how to correct that issue and "ta da!" She stood perfectly still. When I employed the same method, my mare never moved until I asked. Come Wednesday, we were both relaxed and looking forward to the day's lesson. During the morning lesson Kenny complimented my horse's trot and that made my heart swell. Even the trail ride was not so bad.(but I'll never admit that again!). What I liked the most about your riding clinic is you did not hold my hand.you would help with anything, but not do it for me and that's exactly what I needed to move past my issues. I was truly convinced I was going to be the worst rider in the class with the nastiest horse. The fact is I wasn't. I had some serious confidence issues and with your help and the help and encouragement of the other students my mare and I did extremely well. Kenny said I was the most improved rider in the class and he was proud of me. I just wanted to bust at the seams! I was trying so hard and it paid off. Missy, you are the best! You strong words of support and encouragement convinced me this was a good thing to do. You're right! Your husband is a great person. Kenny communicates his directions clearly. Kenny's people skills are tremendous! As you know I asked to be included in another clinic and I'm bringing a friend and her horse. Again, thank you! You made riding my horse a pleasure again." - Jennifer Fabrizi, October 2005 Cumberland, VA Clinic
"We just finished the 3-day clinic this afternoon and I wanted you and Kenny to know it was an extremely positive experience for Doolie and me. :o) I learned so many new things about horse behavior, reactions and how to deal with them and had a lot of fun doing it! It was also so educational to watch the progress of the other horses and riders throughout the 3 days. My daughter, Erin, is so thrilled with what Kenny accomplished with our 2 yr. old gelding during the 2-day clinic! She is very eager to continue Finely's education now that Kenny has given her some tools to work with. Again, my thanks to Kenny, Leslie and Blue for all the help, education and FUN they provided for Erin, Finely, Doolie and myself!" - Donna Davis, April 2004 White Post, VA Clinic
"Kenny started my little, 3 year old, chestnut, QH gelding at the VARHA clinic in Polk,PA back in March. I am so pleased with the results. I started riding Dude the week after the clinic either with my friend who has a good steady horse or with my husband on our good mare. We have tried to challenge Dude with all the scary stuff we could find and he has done very well. We did an organized trail ride with the Sheriff's Posse at the end of April. There were about 60 horses on the ride and I don't believe Dude had ever seen that many horses in one place before. He did very well for me. I just kept him moving. Didn't spend a lot of time standing around chatting. He did have rude moments but I let him know that that wasn't how he was supposed to act, I think it is something I will still have to work at correcting next time he is around a bunch of strange horses. Iit's a good thing that Kenny did a good job with him because folks around here remembered him. Of course my friends in the Sheriff's Posse were interested to see how he turned out and some of them were amazed at how well he did on the ride. There were also a good number of people that I didn't know that stopped and asked if that was the horse that Kenny Harlow started. We got a lot of compliments that day. And I have to admit that I was pretty tickled to see other people's older supposedly broke horses giving them a hard time on the trail and my little guy was unruffled and taking everything in stride. Going to Kenny's clinic was one of the best things I have ever done to improve my horsemanship. I learned so much. Kenny does good work with horses and he teaches in a way that I can remember what the lesson is. Now when one of my horses has a problem, we work it out easier and safer and get back to having fun sooner than before. My husband also had a good time at the clinic and he has been such a good help to me getting Dude going. We have had so much fun riding together this spring. I remember that Kenny will be out at Cook's Forest later this summer. I am hoping to be able to come and ride then. Thank you for bringing the clinic to Venango County and I hope to see you again." - Judy Hanninen and "Dude", March 2003 Polk (Franklin), PA Clinic
"I learned so, so much and just feel great about it. This was such a positive experience and it is something that I'll keep with me for the rest of my life with horses. I just cannot tell you the difference I felt just mounting my horse and have him stand there rock solid like all those awesome cowponies I've seen do. I've always envied those guys!! Then, to get adjusted in the tack and STILL not have him walk forward? AMAZING. I know I'll have to keep him tuned and be diligent about all of the lessons you taught me so that he can be an obedient, focused, happy horse. I feel like every bit of naughtiness in him was solved right there on the ground. I could COMPLETELY see my horse tuned into you and I know now how I need to gain that same level of attention. Buster has been an INCREDIBLE test of my patience but for love of the well-being of that horse and of the sport, I have stuck with it in the best way I know how, gathering information from anyone I could and I have to say, I could have saved myself soooooooooooooooo much frustration and time had I known about your methods earlier." - Jana DiCarlo and "Buster", November 2002 Lovettsville, VA Clinic
"Thank you so much for your help at the Sept. 30th - Oct. 2nd Format I Clinic. Dilly and I went to our first parade together in Boston today. You gave Dilly a good start when I brought him to your unbroke clinic and I have continued our success with the giving to the bit, calm down cue, and other techniques. I kept my hands "busy" and kept his mind on me and we were able to make our first parade together an enjoyable one. Thanks again!" - Michelle O'Bannon, MDC Mounted Unit Ranger
"I signed up for Kenny's 3-day riding clinic with all sorts of fears and hesitations about riding, so I had a lot of personal stuff to work through. But I needed to do something, or else I had to think of selling my horse. For more than 20 years (while raising my kids), I wondered if I'd ever fulfill my horse-riding dreams, and as I got older, I worried more and more about dangerous horse situations (even though nothing really bad had ever happened to me). Plus, my Arabian seemed to be too spooky and too much for me. With the support and encouragement and humor of Kenny, his assistant, and the other clinic participants, I felt the beginnings of change in me. I wasn't forced to do anything I was uncomfortable with, and I was thrilled to learn that I can teach my horse in a very safe way. I watched my horse behave like an angel for people who rode him with confidence, so I know how good he really is. I'll continue working on my own confidence so we can learn to trust each other. I rode for three days and it was definitely a challenge for someone like me, but it was a really big, really positive step. I accomplished more than Kenny could ever know. Anyone who helps you begin to transform into the person you hoped you could be, and shows you how to help your horse become a better horse, performs more of a miracle than words can say. Thank you, Kenny." - Ellen Bingham and "little gray pony", September 2002 Hancock, NH Clinic
"Kenny is my all-time hero! My horse was impossible for me to load on a trailer without hours of fighting and a great deal of stress. I had hired other trainers in the past, but they were unable to break through Bert's resistances. Kenny spent about 10 minutes teaching Bert to lead and back up properly. Then, he quietly and calmly worked through Bert's resistances around the trailer and taught both the horse and me how to load and unload. Kenny is incredible in his patience and calmness - never appearing in the least bit perturbed or upset as my horse reared up, tried to run over him, etc. Kenny quickly educated the horse on appropriate behavior and manners, correcting and praising in perfect timing with each behavior. Within an hour of starting with my horse, Kenny had me loading the horse on both a ramp and step up style of trailer. Two months after Kenny's successful training session, I decided to relocate my horse to a new barn. I had been practicing leading and backing up but had not loaded Bert. Naturally, Bert did not jump right on the trailer. But with the skills that I learned from Kenny, within a few minutes, I had Bert quietly loaded. So, after years of not being able to load my horse on a trailer without a major battle, frequently lasting many hours, I was able to single-handedly load Bert on a trailer. This is the absolute sign of the successful training of both Bert and me by Kenny. The trailer training session with Kenny and Kenny's trailer training video are absolutely the most effective time and money that I've ever spent on training my horse." - Carmel Wood, July 2002 Private Training, Vienna, VA
"I signed up for Kenny's clinic to learn how to break a 2 year old mare I purchased. I owned horses for several years and felt I could handle the challenge. Washita went through the unbroke clinic with ease. I then participated in 2 additional clinic's. My horse was extremely light in the mouth, tacked, trailered great and trail rode nicely. Just when I thought all was well, my horse decided that bucking was fun as a 3 year old. Thank god Kenny was right by my side through the entire episode. Kenny ducked and weaved the flying hooves and followed me & my horse just like a referee at a football game and gave me hands on instructions on how to pull my horse out of a buck. He talked me through the whole ordeal which unfortunately happened more than once. Even though I managed to stay on my horse, it still rattled me. He gave me the confidence to work through it. I had a horse with an attitude and a barn sour problem. I decided to send her to Kenny camp for 30 days of training. I went to Kenny's farm in Virginia and test rode my horse for 2 days. I am so impressed with the horse I returned home with and the experience I learned from Kenny. The clinics help you gain a better understanding of your horse and challenges that may arise. If it were not for Kenny's positive attitude and persistence with me and my horse I may have thrown in the towel. Kenny takes the time and makes sure you understand "safely" why and how to properly train or fine tune your horse. I can not thank Kenny enough and I met so many new friends. I will attend more clinics and plan to do the Cowgirl up week." - Lois Buckman and Washita, June 2002 Quakertown, PA Clinic
"I want to thank Kenny for doing such a wonderful job on my horse Dakota. I purchased a two year old gelding who was not broke. After a lot of ground work, I broke him, but he was still very dangerous to ride. After going to a three day clinic by Kenny, I made the decision to send him up to Kenny's ranch for 30 days of training. I had a horse that was scared of EVERYTHING. At the end of the month when I went to Kenny's ranch I couldn't believe it. He was 110% better than I ever imagined. He not only accepts you on his back, but he crosses streams, swims, bathes, and he was even shoed. Thank you Kenny for giving me the horse that I always wanted. For channeling that bad energy to using it for good. For giving me the confidence to ride him every day since he got home. For also creating a better bond between us. If anyone even considered getting their horse trained, I would recommend Kenny Harlow in a New York minute. I have never seen anyone that can get the job done! so well. Kenny knows his horses. Kenny helps you better understand riding and ground work so you can be safe as well as your horse. There are not enough words or compliments I could give Kenny and his wonderful staff. Thank you Kenny for giving me my perfect horse. As far as I am concerned, there is NO ONE BETTER!" - Karen Clifford and Dakota, June 2002 Quakertown, PA Clinic
"I just had to let you know that I had a blast at the clinic! Never in a million years did I think that my horse could do what Kenny taught him. So now I'm hooked! I need to know where and when the next clinic will be held. This was my first clinic ever and I was so inspired that now I am thinking about getting my Certification so I can also learn how to teach. All I can say is THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!" - Karla Brandzel, June 2002 Quakertown, PA Clinic
"I learned more about horse training from Kenny in 3 weeks than I was able to gain from tapes, books, seminars in the last 15 years. Kenny teaches you a training system so you can train your own horse. I'm looking forward to doing the Certification Program with Kenny." - Paula Mattes, August 2001 Apprenticeship Program, email: dgstar@stargate.net
"The Kenny Harlow Certification Course is not only about transforming a horse, it's about transforming yourself so you can transform anything. The basis of Kenny's program is so fantastic that what you learn in training you can use anywhere, on your horse, your dog or on your children. It's an invaluable lesson in being firm and consistent in every area of your life." - Jen Keller, 2001 Certification Graduate, email: jbkeller@webtv.net
"I thoroughly enjoyed the Apprenticeship Program. It surpassed my expectations and answered a lot of questions about my horse." - Michele Bolling, August 2001 Apprenticeship Program
"My wife and I attended our first Kenny Harlow Training With Trust Clinic as spectators two years ago this fall and last fall brought one of our horses to Cortland, NY to participate in the Spectator and Three Day Conditioning/Response Riding and Training Clinic. My wife came as a spectator to the three day clinic and got so caught up in it that she borrowed one of the stable's horses so that she could ride in the clinic as well. Recently this past summer I traveled with my two youngest "green broke" horses to participate in Kenny's three week apprenticeship program and now can't wait to complete my certification next year. I have become a much better horse person myself and my relationship with our horses has been so much more positive. This summer I worked with our local 4H club and now I am able to say that I not only learned the Training With Trust methods for myself, but have helped others to train their horses in a relationship founded on trust and respect. Kenny Harlow is himself a talented trainer and horseman whose clinics and certification programs are based on first hand knowledge and experience - his biggest rewards are the ones he finds in his students progress - both human and equine!" - Ted LaCroix, Ellicottville, NY