Kenny Harlow's Training Programs include:
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The perfect way to start and continue training with your horse to get the problems licked once and for all. Come with your horse for some of the most spectacular riding in the country. Experience an intensive training vacation, including day-long trails into the mountains. It's fun, exciting and you'll return with a better horse and new skills.
This program is available to riders and horses at any level. You will experience riding and training in the mountains of Virginia with Kenny. Arena or round pen work can be scheduled as well.
Private Training, Round pen/Arena work combined with rides on the ranch, at a park and training and riding in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Dates and customized programs can be scheduled through Kenny's office.
Participants are responsible for their own lodging/motel and food (neither included in the program cost). Here at the Ranch we have 2 cottages and 2 campsites with full hook up. There are also inexpensive motels available in the area and the office can provide you with a motel list.
Stalling is available at no extra charge on the days of training. There is a $25.00 stall fee per day on the days participants are not riding. Participants must provide their own feed. Hay can be purchased from the ranch. All participants will be expected to do their own stable chores and to also pay their portion of the gas and hauling fee to and from mountains.
- Private training session/Round pen session/Problem Horse's include Rearing issues, Spooking, Bridling, Ground Manners session: $400/session
- Training in the mountains, or rides on the ranch or in the park: $200.00 per day owner riding. ($250.00 per day for Kenny or his assistant to ride your horse on the trails or in the mountains.) This training is also available during week 2 ("Cowboy-Up Week") of the Apprenticeship Programs held at the ranch if the class is not full.
- 3 Weeks training: $1,100 training plus $650 board (done during Apprenticeships).
- Continued training after initial session (by the day or week): $75 each training session plus $25/day board.
"Winter Workout/Spring Tune Up"
Additional Training after 3 Week Training.
If your horse hasn't completed our 3 week training and you wish for your horse to have a "Tune Up" call our office to schedule.
*Note: Problem Horses must complete our 3 week training to qualify Tune Up's may be by the day or week: $75 each training session/plus $25 day board.
Kenny Harlow
Cedar Run Ranch
2266 High Rock Road
Cumberland, VA 23040